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What We Believe

Our Mission:

Love God. Love Your Neighbor.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to bring hope to our community through the love of Jesus by raising up disciples who make other disciples that are equipped with a faith that works in real life.

Core Values

Worship Jesus

Above all else, Cornerstone Church is about Jesus. We believe that everyone worships something. We worship what we treasure, what we value most. As believers, we worship Christ because He is the only One worthy of our devotion and affection.

Make Disciples

Making Disciples is our primary goal as a church. To make disciples means “to make learners.” Being a disciple means that we are constantly learning about and becoming more like Jesus. Disciples make other disciples so that Christ may be glorified and His kingdom spread on earth.


Live in Community

Relationship with God is the centerpiece of the Christian life. Just like any relationship, we have to cultivate our relationship with God through intentional time and conversation. We do not see prayer as merely a way to get things from God but as a way to get more of God himself.
Life is not designed to be lived alone. In a world where isolation is the norm and it's easy to get lost in the crowd, we need community and relationships more than ever. True growth and change come from deep relationships centered around the Good News of Jesus Christ. God created us to live in community, and we most effectively live out our mission as the family of God, together.


We Believe: That God reveals Himself to sinners and He saves them for His glory. He does this through creation, through His Spirit and through His Word.

We Believe: In one God, the Creator of all things who is infinitely perfect and exists eternally in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each member of the Trinity is equally God and has divine attributes.

We Believe: No one is like God, no one is equal to God and there are no other gods. Just to list a few of His attributes, the Bible describes God as Holy, Just, Loving, All-knowing, Patient, Eternal, Unchanging and Wise. We capitalize these attributes of God because we believe He does not just exhibit these behaviors, but they are His complete essence.

We Believe: Jesus is the full expression of God the Father; He is God’s self-revelation and only through Him can we come to the Father.

We Believe: Only God is worthy of glory. The goal of life is to bring God glory in everything we do. It is the purpose of God's people.

We Believe: Ephesians 2:8-9 We are saved by grace alone through faith. We cannot impress God by our works or our morality, as salvation is a free gift of grace. Grace is undeserved and cannot be earned, it is a gift of love from the Father.
We Believe: Every word in the Bible is divinely inspired. Although the Bible was penned by men, it was written by God, speaking to men through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit that inspired the writing is the same Spirit that indwells those who are saved, and He will bring meaning, understanding and power to obey the Word of God.

We Believe: In the Spirit-given gifts of 1 Corinthians 12-14, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4, as well as, the order that comes with those gifts. The Spirit gives the gifts as He determines, not as we demand. In addition, the gifts are not proof of salvation, but further proof of God's grace and power. They are to be used by each member to benefit the entire Body of Christ.

We Believe: We believe the church is built by Christ, which is why we never worry about our weekly attendance. We exist only to honor Him. The gathering of saints is important to the Body, but a personal, growing relationship with Christ does not happen just on the weekend, which is why we believe in community groups. Church is not once a week, church is life together in Jesus.

We Believe: The church is missional in its makeup. Jesus has called us to go make disciples. The Church should proclaim the name of Jesus and be the voice used by God in the local community.


These are biblical truths we follow against cultural practices


We believe marriage is a sacrament for one believing (2Co6:14) man and one believing woman in which the two become joined together by God (Mt19:6). This is a gift from God to be kept pure (Heb13:4, Deu22:22). Therefore, we do not marry those who live together before marriage nor do we condone divorce except in extreme cases (Mt19:9).  Those who have remarried should remain married.  In the same way, we believe any sexual relationship outside the covenant of marriage is a sin same as any other offense to God (Lv18:22, 1 Co 6:18) and therefore encourage those struggling to find purity in this area to allow themselves to be discipled and find freedom.  Therefore, we only perform marriages of a biological male and female. CLICK HERE for more on this topic.

Abuse of Power

We believe that those in positions of authority are to be the most humble and most serving.  We see in scripture that Jesus did not assert his authority, but exemplified humility and service to others (Mt 11:29, Mt 20:26).  Therefore leaders using their position for financial gain, preferential treatment of others, or harsh treatment of others is not tolerated.

Sanctity of Life

We believe every life is made in the image of God and holds inherent value none above another (Gen 1:26, Ps 139:14, 2 Ki 16:3). Therefore, we are strongly against abortion and disciple people in the care of their children, elderly, and disabled as well as navigate adoption and foster care.

Women in Leadership

We believe women are Spirit-filled and able to serve as deacons in the church.  We see in scripture that Phoebe was a deacon (Rom 16:1), Junia was considered an apostle (Rom 16:7), Esther commanded Israel (Es 9:32), Miriam and Deborah were prophets and judges (Ex15:20), Jesus told Mary to announce his resurrection (Jn 20:1-18), and many more examples can be seen.  However, because of the order of authority outlined in 1 Corinthians 11, we believe that the role of elder must be filled by a man, not because men are better equipped or women are unable, but because of God’s ordained roles. Therefore, women are encouraged to serve in any other capacity led by the Spirit including serving as deacons. CLICK HERE for more on this topic.

Use of Gifts

We believe in the current dispensation of spiritual gifts (1 Co 14:26-33, Rom 12:6, Mt 16:15-20) not as a requirement for salvation (Acts 16:30-34,1 Co 12:29-31), but for the strengthening of the church (1 Co 12:7).

Support Area Churches

We believe spreading the gospel is not a competition, but encourage area churches to work together for strengthening and encouragement of Kingdom growth (Rom 15:20).  Therefore, we encourage faithful participation in one's home church for its strengthening and encouragement. We also encourage area churches to combine efforts for the purposes of evangelism, wisdom, support, and integrity (Ep 5:21).


Someone who serves to meet the emotional, spiritual, and educational needs of church members. A Deacon is a male or female who leads a ministry, life group, small group study, or is a member of the preaching team, and meets the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3.

A member of the elder board is a man who meets the qualifications of 1Timothy 3.  Elders guard theology, oversee the use of spiritual gifts, and determine the direction of the church.

Pastor / Shepherd
(verb) The way an elder or deacon disciples church members as outlined in 1 Peter 5. It is used once as a noun in Ep4:11. Here it seems to be synonymous with the position of elder.

A deacon or elder who serves the church in such a way with unique giftings that cannot be performed by volunteers and requires significant time as to not allow other employment. It is desired that service in the church be accomplished primarily by volunteers to promote a sense of family and ownership.

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