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CCLC Community Team Leader Job Description

Cornerstone Church of Licking County seeks to glorify God by serving the congregation, its ministries, and the community. The Community Team Leader’s purpose is to support the daily tasks of each ministry on the team by ensuring cross-team communication, unity, minimizing duplication of efforts, and supporting the elder’s vision and direction. The Community Lead plays a pivotal role in keeping Cornerstone partnering ministries informed, vetted, and offering them opportunities such as ministry moments. The Community Lead will disciple the CCLC ministries, maintain a focused plan, and unite efforts to show the love of Jesus in our local community and beyond.
The CTL reports directly to the Elders.
The CTL is a paid full-time position.

  • Clear testimony of a life that has trusted in and is walking with Jesus
  • Experience in correcting, encouraging, and teaching other leaders.
  • A heart to see real faith working in the lives of God’s people and attracting the lost to such a faith.
  • Agrees with Cornerstones beliefs and distinctives 
  • A history of exemplary service to the body. 

The primary responsibilities of the Community Team Lead will be to direct the team meetings in which  decisions are made concerning community needs and concerns, wisdom and advice is provided relating to how ministries should operate, and events on campus and in our community are organized. The Community Team Leader must possess an adaptable skill set and leadership capabilities, which will enable teamwork and unity with not only the ministries, but also our partnering para-ministries.

  • Oversee and or attend to the body’s needs in times of grieving, hospitalization, family dysfunction, and blessings.
  • Oversee the process of discipleship within and without Life Groups, and Student Ministries.
  • Support the elders in the vision and direction of the group while fostering an understanding of the objective and heart of the ministry.
  • Continue to grow and mature in Christ as a godly person of integrity. Strong sense of calling and identity in Christ. Demonstrate leadership, being able to disciple, correct, encourage and teach those in his/her sphere of influence. 
  • Maintain relationships with existing partnering ministries and have an awareness of potential partnering ministry opportunities, which align with the mission and vision at Cornerstone. This also involves making sure ministry updates are communicated to the body.
  • Attend to regular ministry leader performance evaluations. 
  • Coordinate with the ministry leaders to create and lead well-planned, efficient and effective meetings while maintaining a flexible schedule. 
  • Regularly attend weekend services. 
  • Regularly attend church-wide ministry leader’s meetings and participate in the planning and implementation of church programs that will fulfill the mission and vision of the church.

Work Schedule:
The Community Team Leader’s schedule varies with the requirements of ministry.  While sharing your life with others does not have set hours, a “day off” of ministry each week and setting healthy boundaries is suggested. The CTL must complete tasks within a reasonable time-frame.
 Evaluation and Compensation:
  • The Community Team Leader works directly under the elders and receives a regular performance evaluation. Compensation is reviewed annually by the elders and finance ministry.
  • The Community Team Leader is required to participate in scheduled meetings for discipleship and fellowship.

  • Has received and understands this Job Description.
  • Instruction in the church’s policies and procedures.
  • Set time aside for ongoing personal education.

Every Leader at Cornerstone Church must serve with a goal to fulfill the mission and vision of the church and glorify God (Acts 1:8)

I have read and fully understand the Community Team Lead Job Description and the responsibility set forth.