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Cornerstone Missions

Missionary Partners

We strive to help encourage, prayerfully and financially support our Missionaries.  Please feel free to contact them as led. Information and prayer cards are also on our missions wall in the main lobby.  Printed updates are available on the wall as well as a mailbox to send free "Snail Mail" to missionaries.

If you wish to give to our returning missionary please see this page:

Lashawn Prime

Orphanage Emmanuel - Honduras
LaShawn was raised in Downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. She accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior when she was 22 years old. She graduated with her Associates of Nursing Degree at 28 She has served at Orphanage Emmanuel since December 2014. As their medical clinic director and nurse she cares for children and staff who live on campus.
LaShawn considers it an honor to serve God’s children and partner in God’s purpose and plan for Orphanage Emmanuel.

Adam & Janet 

Pastor - Carlos Rojas, Cuba
Pastor Adan and his wife Yanet  with their children Addiel and Adaine are serving in Cardenas Cuba.  Their young church has approximately 50 in attendance and often welcome new visitors each week.  Pastor Adan, Yanet and their leadership team seek to share the gospel with their community not only in word but in deed as they seek to help provide for physical needs in a country that often lacks essentials. Please see our missions wall for their contact information and to mail them snail mail.

Katie & Peter T.

Story Runners
Founded by Cru in 2003, StoryRunners exists to equip the world's 7,000 unreached people groups to produce and use oral Bible stories to launch communities of multiplying disciples. We are passionate about equipping followers of Christ in every unreached oral people group in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Katie serves as a head  writer supported by her husband Peter and son James.

Chuck and Cathy Egbert

MMS Aviation
Chuck Egbert is from north west Pennsylvania and had an interest in flying from an early age. He enrolled in the flight program at Kent State University. At Kent State he met Cathy and their interest in missionary service grew. Chuck began his apprenticeship at MMS March of 1996. The Egberts served with a ministry in Alaska for a year. In 2001 they moved to South Africa to serve with Mercy Air. Nonrenewal of their visas by South Africa forced them to leave that work. Chuck and Cathy then joined the Missionary Maintenance Services (MMS) staff. At MMS, Chuck is an aircraft maintenance Supervisor. Chuck is highly experienced in airframe restoration. He obtained an FAA A&P mechanic certificate in 1998, and holds an Inspection Authorization. Chuck also serves as a DME (Designated Mechanic Examiner) with the FAA. They have 6 children (3 Adult and 3 still at home).

Caleb and Heather Chesnut

Kosova Life Ministries - Kosova
Kosova Life Ministries brings a Christian worldview to the people of Kosova by building relationships through sports programs, after-school activities, a community youth center and humanitarian aid. Heather is a native of Newark and Caleb from Pickerington. When Caleb was 9 his missionary family moved to Kosova. Married in 2013,they have served in ministry since 2014. They have 5 girls! Please join them in prayer and if you feel led, please support them financially and send them missionary snail mail through our missions mailbox in the lobby. You can sign up for their updates by contacting them.

Upcoming Missions Trips

Orphanage Emmanuel - Honduras

Our next trip to Cuba will take place February 12-18, 2025. Join us as we partner with Pastor Adan and Yadet in the gospel work they do in Cuba. Information meeting will take place following service on September 1. Applications are due September 15.
Our next trip to Orphanage Emmanuel will take place July 11-18, 2025. There will be an informational meeting following service January 12. Applications are due January 26.
With questions about either of these trips, please contact Andi at

Missions Videos

Support our missionaries

We encourage you to always keep our missionaries in your daily prayers.
If you would like to support it other ways, please see the support links below their profiles or click the link below.