Why stories?
Cornerstone Church is all about people. Storytelling is one way we live out our mission to love God and love our neighbor. Our hope is that these stories encourage, challenge, entertain, and ultimately point to Jesus.
Short Film Stories
"No Substitute for Family"
Cory and Amanda Kick have had a heart for international adoption for many years. They have adopted two children from South Africa, Ben & Haddie. During the adoption process for their daughter Haddie they faced opposition from the South African government due to ever changing adoption policies. This is a story of joy, frustration, growth, and a reliance on God through trying times.
“Dying with Christ”
What does it look like for a believer to be faced with their inevitable death? How do you die with Christ? In this Cornerstone story, Pete gives us a glimpse into his mindset as he faces the reality of what may be his final days, and where he finds hope in the midst of it.
“Stepping Out In Faith”
What does it look like to listen and be obedient to what you perceive to be God’s call on your life? In this Cornerstone story, Curtis talks about how he and his family took a leap of faith and started Freedom Fish Farms
“Everybody Needs Christ”
If you’ve been coming to Cornerstone for a while, especially on Saturday nights, then you probably recognize Ben and Jarrod. They’re long time Cornerstone attendees, and through life’s ups and downs, their relationship and their faith in Christ has been strengthened. Here’s a brief look at the life of Ben and Jarrod.