End of Year Giving
Cornerstone Church is a community-focused church that supports several local and foreign ministries throughout the year. Many of you have heard testimonies from these ministries about how your financial support has helped them share God's love and the Good News of His Gospel.
We offer convenient methods of giving. In-person giving boxes in the sanctuary, our website, and our online giving app allow you to schedule recurring donations or single-giving gifts.
All financial and In-time gifts are delivered to givers in the year-end contribution statement to your email or USPS address on file.
Cornerstone Church of Licking County
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]
We offer convenient methods of giving. In-person giving boxes in the sanctuary, our website, and our online giving app allow you to schedule recurring donations or single-giving gifts.
All financial and In-time gifts are delivered to givers in the year-end contribution statement to your email or USPS address on file.
Cornerstone Church of Licking County
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]
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